Guidance for Carers

GOV.UK includes quite a lot of advice including Guidance on social distancing for everyone in the UK and protecting older people and vulnerable adults, which includes tips on how to help protect a vulnerable person you live with. For more information on specific situations, or what to do if you or the person you care for display symptoms please see the government website.
One key piece of advice is inevitably about hand washing. This step is one of the most effective ways of reducing the risk of infection for you and other people. Cleaning your hands frequently throughout the day, using soap and water for at least 20 seconds or using hand sanitiser will help protect you and the people you live with. This includes when you arrive at the home of the person you care for, if you do not live with them, or have been out.
Creating an Emergency Plan
Carers UK advise all carers to create an emergency plan with the person they care for, to use in circumstances where help from other people to deliver care may be needed. Depending on the circumstances, this could be help from family or friends, or a care provider.
In order to create an emergency plan that fits the needs of the person you care for, you will need to set out:
- the name and address and any other contact details of the person you look after
- who you and the person you look after would like to be contacted in an emergency
- details of any medication the person you look after is taking
- details of any ongoing treatment they need
- details of any medical appointments they need to keep
Further information can be found on the Carers UK website.
Support & Information
If you are caring for someone and need support for either you or the person you care for call 0208 871 6555 to speak with the Wandsworth Council's Community Hub or visit their website.
As a carer it is also possible to request support from NHS Volunteer Responders if they meet certain criteria. They can help with shopping, prescription collection or a friendly chat. Find out more on the Volunteer Responder website. You can call 0808 196 3646 (8am to 8pm).
Wandworth Carers' Centre
The Carers' Centre has general information and guidance about the Coronavirus up on their website and may be able to support you.
They are also facilitating an online community as a place where carers can share information, ideas and experiences, meet new people and socialise. Find out more here:
Social Care Institute for Excellence (SCIE)
SCIE has collected information, guidance, advice and resources to help support over 6 million carers in the UK and the vital contribution they make.
What do we mean by a carer? Informal carers (also called unpaid carers) are people who look after children and other family members, friends, neighbours because of physical or mental ill health or disability, or care needs related to old age, enabling them to continue to live as independently as possible at home and in the community.
Some of the information and guidance on their website for carers includes:
Carers of people with dementia
See more information, such as guidance for Young Carers, Carers of people with autism, end of life care, on their website here:
Please see the attached brochures for helpful information for carers on the following subjects: