Have Your Say before April 3rd - Learning Difficulties Strategy - Survey
This draft strategy sets out the priorities for improving outcomes for people with a learning disability in Wandsworth over the next five years and beyond.

The strategy is a collaboration between Wandsworth Council and Merton & Wandsworth Clinical Commissioning Group.
The vision for people with a learning disability in Wandsworth is that they will be supported to live as independently as possible whilst ensuring they receive the right care for their needs. People with a learning disability will not be excluded and separated from mainstream society but will lead meaningful lives, making valuable contributions as part of the Wandsworth community.
Seeing people as individuals and looking beyond their care needs will be a key component of how we plan and deliver services. This will require "working with" people to be as independent as possible, rather than providing help and services which “do things for” people.
The draft strategy identifies five priorities that have been developed with stakeholders such as providers, carers and service users.
The five proposed priorities are:
Priority One: Where People Live – Housing and Care Support
Priority Two: What People Do – Employment and Day Opportunities
Priority Three: Moving to Adulthood – Transition
Priority Four: Keeping People Well – Improving Health Services
Priority Five: Increasing Life Opportunities – Choice and Control
For each priority, they have defined in broad terms where they are now and what they will do over the next five years. Groups will be established to work on each priority. These groups will include service users and carers as well as representatives from statutory services, voluntary and community groups.
Progress on each priority will be monitored by a Clinical Reference Group and fed back to partners. Feedback from service users, their families and carers and stakeholders, will be an essential part of the monitoring process.
Have your say
Your views about the draft strategy matter.
You can have your say in multiple ways:
In person - You can attend a focus group:
They will be running sessions on two dates to meet with people who would like to have their say on Friday 3 April and Monday 6th April 2020.
To register your interest and find out more, please email: naomi.good@swlondon.nhs.uk
Over the telephone - You can share your views in a telephone interview:
Please tell them your name, preferred time of day for a call and contact number by emailing Melanie.Cressey@richmondandwandsworth.gov.uk or calling 020 8891 7848.
Online - You can complete the survey online at the link below.
Please read the following documents before answering the online survey, so that you have all the available information before giving your views.
The full draft strategy document is available here:
The Equality Impact and Needs Assessment (EINA) here gives more detail about the potential impact of the proposals.
An easy read version of the consultation information and questionnaire is also available to read or print here or you can complete it online here.
If you need any help completing the survey or would like a paper copy of the survey please contact:
020 8891 7848 or Melanie.Cressey@richmondandwandsworth.gov.uk
What happens next
When the survey closes, the draft strategy document will be reviewed and updated to reflect the feedback received
For the Online Full Strategy Survey go to;
For the Online Easy Read Survey go to;
Have Your Say Easy Read Survey
If for any reason you cannot access via the links above, please access direct from Wandsworth Council website at: https://www.wandsworth.gov.uk/