Dementia Support for Wandsworth

Help raise awareness of Dementia and find out what support is available for people in Wandsworth.

The word dementia describes a set of symptoms that over time can affect memory, problem-solving, language and behaviour. Alzheimer's disease is the most common type of dementia, but there are many more causes of dementia including vascular dementia. 

Dementia is a progressive condition, which means symptoms will get worse over time.

General sources of information about dementia

Two national charities have useful information about dementia, including symptoms, types, treatments and risk factors.

Organisations supporting people with specific dementias

Alzheimer’s Society and Dementia UK work with people with all types of dementia. But there are specialist organisation who have information and support for people with less common types of dementia, for example:

Alzheimer’s Society provides a list of useful organisations.

Other specialist organisations

Most organisations specialising in dementia work with people with dementia and their carers, however Dementia Carers Count is dedicated to supporting carers.

Most people who develop dementia are older. Young Dementia Network supports people with dementia who are under 65.

More reading

The Reading Agency recommends helpful reading and digital resources for people living with dementia, and also for family, friends and carers, as well as personal stories and age-appropriate books for children.

Local services

Wandsworth Older Adults Services provide assessment - for a potential dementia diagnosis and post-diagnostic support for people of any age.

Age UK Wandsworth is commissioned by Wandsworth Council to deliver a specialist day care service for adults with dementia, from the Gwynneth Morgan Centre.

Alzheimer’s Society provides local services for people with dementia and their carers.

Information from Wandsworth Council provides resources for communities, prevention and more.

Wandsworth Council Adult Social Care can be contacted for information, support and guidance to adults with care and support needs, and those who look after them.

Local mental health support

Wandsworth Older People's Community Mental Health Team: offers an assessment of functional mental health needs and plan of care and support person. Can be accessed through a referral by a GP.

Wandsworth Talking Therapies - provide free confidential psychological and wellbeing interventions for common mental health problems (anxiety disorders or depression).

Mental Health Crisis Line: 0800 028 8000 (run by SW London and St Georges Mental Health NHS Trust)

Local support for carers

Wandsworth Carers Centre provides information and support for people caring for others with any condition.

National support and support groups

Alzheimer’s Society Dementia support line:  0333 150 3456
Mon to Weds: 9am – 8pm, Thurs and Fri: 9am – 5pm, Sat and Sun: 10am – 4pm

Dementia UK’s Admiral Nurse dementia helpline:  0800 888 6678 
Monday to Friday 9am-9pm Saturday and Sunday 9am-5pm

Dementia Support Group is an online forum run by Alzheimer’s Society for where people with dementia and carers support each other.

Holidays and breaks

Dementia Adventure organises trips for people with dementia and their carers.

Revitalise organise holidays for people with many disabilities and their carers at two specialist centres. 

Other local organisations

These organisations might welcome people with dementia with mild to moderate symptoms, but will not be able to offer specialist support.

  • Froglife’s Leaping Forward for Dementia in London project: supported by the City Bridge Trust, empowers people living with dementia and their support network to safely access the benefits of nature and the outdoors. 
  • Weekly lunch & activities club: At STORM family centre people can attend with their carer but it's not specialist dementia support. Contact: 020 7498 0311 for more information.
  • Regenerate-RISE: Putney and Battersea; social club/activities day centre that may be suitable for people with mild to moderate memory loss, in-person only; More information here.
  • Mushkil Aasaan Care Agency: A range of services, befriending, advice and advocacy but not specialist in complex dementia support. Languages: Urdu, Gujarati, Hindi, Bengali, Punjabi, Arabic, Somalian, French, Tamil and British Sign Language. Contact 020 8672 6581   
  • Furzedown Projectprogramme of social, educational, and recreational activities to improve wellbeing and independence for older people. Not specialist support for complex dementia, but some members have mild memory problems and early-stage demental. More information here.
  • Hestia Age Activity Centrespace for people over 60 to socialise and learn new skills; may be suitable for people with mild to moderate memory loss. More information here.
  • Roehampton 60+ Drop in Cafévarious activities people can attend with their carer but not specialist dementia support020 8788 5577