Survey: Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment (PNA)

Brief description of project:
Health and Wellbeing boards within Local Authorities have a statutory duty to carry out a statement of needs for the pharmaceutical services for the population it serves. This is known as a Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment (PNA).
To help produce the PNA, Healthy Dialogues, on behalf of the Health and Wellbeing board, would like to hear your views and experiences about the pharmacy services in your area. Your views are very important to them as they will enable them to understand the needs of the population to help shape future pharmacy services in your area.
Who will Healthy Dialogues speak to?
They would like to hear from patients and the public who use pharmacies in Richmond and Wandsworth.
What and how will they ask?
Healthy Dialogues are asking people to share their experiences of using pharmacies in Richmond and Wandsworth. This includes questions about the services provided by pharmacies, as well as their location and opening times.
The survey includes equality monitoring questions so they can make sure their services are provided fairly and to those who need them.
How can you help?
You can complete the survey online by following this link:
This survey closes on the 17th November 2022