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"The local authority [is] now designing the type of support patients with Autis[m] have requested, based on your survey."
Latest reports and publication
Healthwatch Wandsworth Assembly October 2024: Connecting With Our Communities
Read about our Healthwatch Assembly held on October 24th 2024. Here…
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Our plans for 2024-5: our new business plan
Read more about our work and the topics we are focusing on for the…
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Advice and information
Dementia Support for Wandsworth
Help raise awareness of Dementia and find out what support is available for people in Wandsworth.
Autism: Support and Resources
We designed this page to provide support and resources for children and young people with autism or social and communication challenges. This page…
The NHS app
The NHS App allows you to access a range of NHS services. You can download the NHS App on your phone or tablet. You can also access the same services…
Sign up to our newsletter
Keep up to date with health and social care services in Wandsworth, sign up to our newsletter and becoming a Healthwatch Wandsworth Member for free to:
- Hear about getting involved in our events and our work
- Contribute to our surveys and research
- Hear about local health and social care services and how to get involved in improvements
See past examples of our newsletter