Healthwatch Committee Member Nominees & Elections 2024

The Healthwatch Wandsworth committee member election has now closed. We have two nominations and on 24th October the new committee members will be elected.

Healthwatch Committee members will play a part in in determining the overall direction and development of the organisation through good governance and clear strategic planning.

We have received a total of 2 nominations and we would like to introduce you to:

  • Sarah Forester
  • Avril Gabbay

Please read their supporting statements & declarations of interest below.

If you are a Healthwatch Member you can be involved in the election of the candidates at the Healthwatch Assembly on the 24th October. More info about the assembly here and you can sign up as a Healthwatch Member for free here.

The candidates with the most votes will be elected, uncontested, to the post of Healthwatch Executive member.

Avril Gabbay

Supporting Statement:

My passion to this day is making a difference to people's lives through humour, research, knowledge and compassion.

I have experienced different toles throughout my life; Full-time mother, Housewife, State Registered Nurse, Nurse Receptionist, Primary School Teacher, School Librarian, Humanities co-ordinator, Northern Area Representative for the Royal College of Nursing, Student Representative of the Post Graduate Teaching Course and full-time Carer.

Presently, I am the chairperson for the Masbro Elders Tea Group, a monthly evening volunteer on a Healthshare Committee.

Compassionate listening to a group of unpaid carers on Zoom. In my representative roles, I have developed listening and confidentiality agreements. Listening to people's views and seeing if suggestions can be acted on. Supporting people with varying disabilities. Teamwork in delivering ground rules and suggestion in meetings. Writing reports and delivering them verbally.

Research and organisation:
Researched in depth the development of a Primary School Library and implemented the research into the school where I taught. Collated up to date information on Care Homes for the Alzheimer's Society, Merton and Trinity Hospice.

Declaration of interests:
I was employed by the NHS in the 1970’s between 1972 - 1979.

Sarah Forester

Supporting Statement:

"I have lived and worked in Wandsworth since 1980 and currently live in the Furzedown area where I am involved in the local community group and volunteer in a local Children centre. 

I have a health background having worked in primary care as a health visitor since1977 as well as other roles including working with the homeless and drug users. I undertook a Masters in Health Science at St Georges medical school in 2003 and have also worked at a National level for a Trade union and Professional Organisation.

My last paid work was as senior manager in Children's Services for LB Wandsworth where I developed and ran Sure Start programmes, Children Centres and more latterly worked closely with public health to commission health and public health services for families.

I have been a member of the Healthwatch committee for the last 4 years and became the Vice Chair in 2003. I have been the Healthwatch appointed Governor at St Georges Hospital for the last three years and am active in this role including making regular visits to the hospital, being involved in the development of the Patient Safety Framework and attending the Quality and Safety committee.

I am committed to ensuring user voices are central to planning and development of services and especially keen in ensuring that inequalities in health are addressed and not perpetuated because of lack of consultation with marginalised groups.

I have learnt a lot in my time with Healthwatch and would love to keep making a  contribution to this valuable organisation   

Declaration of interests:

Wandsworth Local Authority employment May 2003 - March 2019