Meet the newly elected Healtwatch Committee Members

Healthwatch Wandsworth is proud to welcome the three new committee members that were elected at the Healthwatch Assembly on Thursday 5 March.

Our newly elected members are:

  • Penny Oakley
  • Sarah Forester
  • Charlotte Langley

We look forward to working with them soon. Read their statements below:

Charlotte Langley

“I am excited to have been elected to the Committee of Healthwatch Wandsworth and hope to bring my vast experience of working as a fundraiser in health and social care to the work of the organisation as well as my significant experience as a service user.

Supporting Statement:

"I am putting myself forward for election as I am passionate about health, have worked at two NHS Foundation Trusts, Guy’s and St. Thomas’ and The Royal Surrey County Hospital and lived in Wandsworth for many years.

My recent journey of recovery from catastrophic physical and mental health issues has meant that I have had to use the services of St. George’s and of the South West London and St. George’s Mental Health NHS Trust. I want to serve as a member of the Healthwatch Committee as a result of this experience and that of living in a One Housing Hostel.

I am a seasoned fundraising, communications and marketing professional with over 30 years experience mostly at a managerial or directorial level. My career has been in health and social care (Muscular Dystrophy, Leonard Cheshire Disability, Elizabeth Finn Care and Parkinson’s UK) as well as in the NHS, higher education, international development and the arts.

My work at Guy’s and St. Thomas’ saw me completing the funding required to open the Evelina London, the first new children’s hospital in London since 1869 with a £12 million campaign.

I am strong on governance and whilst at The Royal Surrey was de facto in charge of its charity. I am a strategist with great energy, drive, determination, resourcefulness, resilience, persistence and tenacity.

I believe I would be a great asset to Healthwatch Wandsworth in addition to doing the work I am doing for the local mental health trust."

Declaration of interests:

I have been employed by Guy’s and St. Thomas’ Charity and by The Royal Surrey County Hospital NHS Foundation Trust.

I am a paid member of the Involvement Group of the South West London and St. George’s Mental Health NHS Trust.

I am a voluntary member of the One Housing Customer Panel.

My supporting statement lists all those voluntary sector for which I have worked.

Penny Oakley

"I am looking forward to being part of the Healthwatch committee and a big thank you to the members who voted for me."

 Supporting Statement:

"I was born in Wandsworth and have spent most of my life in and around the Borough.  My teaching career was spent in Wandsworth Primary Schools and my final position was as Deputy Head and SENCO at a large School.  During that time I liaised with many agencies in health and social care so that children’s needs could be met.

Since retirement I have been working for Wandsworth SCITT helping trainee teachers gain QTS. At present I am supporting a number of trainees in four local schools. I have regular contact with Head Teachers, teachers and support staff. I also meet local parents when caring for my granddaughter and listen to their concerns.  In my free time I am a member of two local choirs, which are fully inclusive, where I meet many local people.

I use Wandsworth health services, as do my children and grandchildren. Currently we have appointments booked with GP surgeries, SGH orthopaedics, adult and paediatric cardiology at SGH and Brompton and endocrinology, to name a few.

As a Healthwatch volunteer I have attended meetings linked to children’s services and I hope to continue. The next meeting is due at the end of the month. If elected as a member of the Healthwatch Committee I would be happy to have a more active role promoting Healthwatch and would encourage all my contacts to engage with Healthwatch Wandsworth."

Declaration of interests:

My previous work, over ten years ago, was for Wandsworth Education Department.

Sarah Forester

Supporting Statement:

"I retired in March 2019 after 44 years working in health and social care.  My professional background is in Health Visiting mainly working with families with young children although I have also worked directly with homeless young people and drug users. For the last 16 years I worked for Wandsworth Local Authority Children Services taking the lead for developing a multi-agency SureStart Programme in Roehampton and Children Centres across the Borough before moving to a health commissioning role.

 I have a wide knowledge and experience of working with public health, CCG, acute and community health providers and voluntary sector partners in the Wandsworth including mental health services. At a strategic level, I have been involved in quality assurance, reviewing, planning and commissioning health services for families and vulnerable young people. I was glad to work with Healthwatch during the commissioning of health visiting service to ensure a strong user involvement in designing that service. I have maintained knowledge and networks across these services which could be useful to Healthwatch’s role.

I have lived in Wandsworth for 40 years have personal experience of local health services and have a good understanding of the diversity of the community and inequalities in health outcomes in the area.

I have time, enthusiasm and I believe the skills, to support the aims of Healthwatch and would welcome the opportunity to be more involved in this valuable role."

Declaration of interests:

Wandsworth Local Authority employment May 2003 - March 2019