1. Report -

    We went to speak to people who were discharged from St George's Hospital via their Departure Lounge. Read our report about what people told us and what the hospital will be doing about our recommendations.
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    We went to speak to people who have short term rehabilitation support from the Wandsworth Maximising Independence team. Read our report about what people told us and what the service have said about it.
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    The first Healthwatch Wandsworth Assembly of the year took place at St. Mary’s Church in Tooting and our topic was mental health. Find out more.
  4. Report -

    Each year we take a look back at our achievements throughout the last twelve months and write about them in our Annual Report.
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    Each year we set out our priorities, based primarily on what local people have told us is important to them.
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    Intermediate Care services offer short-term care to patients and aims to increase independence & recovery. Wandsworth Council is developing an integrated model of care and wants to understand how these services can be improved for patients.
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    Healthwatch Wandsworth wanted to find out the experiences of people regarding health and social care services amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. We opened a COVID19 survey in May 2020 based on Healthwatch England’s survey with some minor adjustments.
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    In July 2020 we worked with SWL CCG (Wandsworth) to develop an independent survey for care home staff. Read our report about how well staff in care homes felt supported to care for their residents and to look after themselves during the pandemic.
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    Read or report on the discussions about news ways of working during the Covid-19 pandemic and the positive and negative impact on health inequalities.
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    Healthwatch Wandsworth was invited by Wandsworth Cares’ Centre to talk with the Adult with Learning Difficulties peer support group about the impact of the cost-of-living on their ability to access health and social care services.
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    At our assembly we talked about health inequalities and projects that focus on getting people involved in tackling health inequalities. Find out what our attendees recommended for working with communities to tackle the issue.
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    This report outlines what we spoke about at our recent Healthwatch Assembly where we discussed GP services with members of the public and health care professionals.
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    Read what people told us are the most important health and social care topics to focus on in Wandsworth
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    Read on to find out about what our collaborations with the community have achieved over the past year in our annual report.
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    We went to speak to people at the Gwyneth Morgan Day Centre. Read our report about what people told us and what the service have said about it.
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    Thanks to people who spoke to us about caring for someone who was discharged from hospital, we have influenced a wide number of developments in support for carers and people discharged from hospital.
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    Read about the experiences people have shared with us about managing their mental health and emotional wellbeing as they become parents.
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    We asked people what they thought about new ways to support people at home rather then in hospital. Read what they told us about the possible benefits and their concerns.