St George’s surgical ‘super-hub’ at Queen Mary’s Hospital in Roehampton is ringfenced to perform high volume, low complexity cases which allows the main site at St George’s to do high complexity, emergency, tertiary and specialist surgery.
The Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport has launched their new loneliness campaign activity as part of the Better Health - Every Mind Matters campaign.
At our assembly we talked about health inequalities and projects that focus on getting people involved in tackling health inequalities. Find out what our attendees recommended for working with communities to tackle the issue.
Take this survey to help NHS SWLondon make sure that everyone who uses midwifery services in South West London has the right access to education, support and information about pelvic health.
Healthwatch Wandsworth was invited by Wandsworth Cares’ Centre to talk with the Adult with Learning Difficulties peer support group about the impact of the cost-of-living on their ability to access health and social care services.
Healthwatch Wandsworth, Katherine Low Settlement, Age UK Wandsworth and Wandsworth Council teamed up and are working with lots of organisations to try and answer this question.