1. Report -

    As you told us that mental health is one of the most important aspects of health and social care, we made it a top priority for this year.
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    The government has begun a consultation on its plans to improve mental health support for children and young people.
  3. Report -

    Healthwatch Wandsworth decided to visit Wandsworth prison to find out more about the quality of services, particularly for more disadvantaged groups such as older prisoners or those with mental health problems. Read our report on our findings.
  4. Report -

    We wanted to start a conversation about health inequalities in Wandsworth. Find out more about what health inequalities are like in Wandsworth.
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    We focused on young people's mental health at our Assembly in May. We heard about local services and discussed new plans to improve support. Read more about it if you were not able to attend.
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    At our Assembly in May we covered a variety of mental health topics including local services available. The information presented on the day is available in our report.
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    We had a busy event on 30th November 2016, we heard about many topics from a new mental health talking therapy service to larger scale plans to improve local health and care. If you want to catch-up on these topics, then read on.
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    Young people who need support from mental health services can find their care interrupted as they make the transition from child and adolescent services (CAMHS) to adult services (AMHS). See what people told us about the transition in our report.
  9. Report -

    Research suggests that 1 in 3 individuals with a disability will experience a mental health problem within their lifetime compared to 1 in 4 of the wider population. Find out what local people told us about the issues involved.
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    Research indicates that members of the LGBT+ community have higher instances of mental health problems than the rest of the population. We heard from the local LGBT+ community about their experiences and mental health.
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    Wandsworth has a higher proportion of obese children than the England average and low levels of awareness about obesity and the many related health risks presents a serious local and national challenge. Hear local views on the topic in our report.
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    We caught up with the Head of Offender Healthcare to hear about what has changed since we visited. Find out more about how things have changed or improved.
  13. Report -

    Recent statistics have shown that the suicide rate in Wandsworth has increased. However, if the right support is available and accessible at the right time, suicide can be preventable. Find out what local people told us about the subject.
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    We went to speak to people who have support from East Wandsworth Community Mental Health Team (CMHT). We've written our report on what people told us, read this report and what the CMHT will be doing differently, based on what people told us.
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    Healthwatch Wandsworth had the opportunity to encourage young people to complete a questionnaire at a conference organised by the Wandsworth Youth Council called “Youth Momentum 2”.
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    Healthwatch Wandsworth carried our several outreach and engagement sessions to ask service users and carers some of the questions related to the No Rights Ignored, No Voice Unheard Consultation.
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    We spoke to people to find out their experiences of our local recovery café, a relatively new type of service aiming to offer peer support, therapeutic activities and a "safe" place for people to talk. Read more about what people told us.
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    Read our report on the discussions about the best way to reach different groups with health inequalities, with public health campaigns.
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    Healthwatch Wandsworth visited Laurel Ward at Queen Mary’s Hospital, Roehampton, a mental health ward for men. We talked to staff, patients and patient’s relatives and our report is based on what people told us and what we saw during our visit.
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    Healthwatch Wandsworth were invited to visit Harding House and Huguenot Place to understand resident’s views on the quality of care they were receiving. Our report is based on what people told us and what we saw during our visit.
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    The first Healthwatch Wandsworth Assembly of the year took place at St. Mary’s Church in Tooting and our topic was mental health. Find out more.
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    We worked with the local NHS on a survey on digital and telephone appointments with focused interviews with elderly residents and people with learning disabilities and people with autism. Over 500 people took part. Read what they had to say.
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    We spoke to people receiving support from East Wandsworth Community Mental Health Team in 2019. Read on to hear about how the organisation has worked on their action plan to address what people told us.
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    Read more about the experiences of mental health for new parents in Wandsworth. Thanks to everyone who shared their experiences we have a number of recommendations to improve perinatal mental health support in Wandsworth.
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    Read our annual round-up of what we've been working on and how people in Wandsworth have helped us shape our local health and social care services.
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    Read more about the experiences of people living in Wandsworth about what they feel has worked well or less well for health and social care services during the coronavirus pandemic and how things should develop in the future.
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    At the Healthwatch Wandsworth Assembly we talked about health inequalities; we considered practical steps to reduce health inequalities and looked at a flagship project to tackle ethnicity inequalities in mental health.
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    Read more about the experiences of people living in Wandsworth and neighbouring boroughs about managing Long Covid or long-term effects of another virus, and about the health and social care available in the borough for these conditions.
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    We talked about health inequalities, particularly mental health inequalities at our Assembly in September 2021. Read our discussions about how we can encourage trust between staff and patients and ensure that people are listened to and valued.
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    Read more about our event looking at supporting mental health and wellbeing in our community.
  31. Report -

    We caught up with those working in health and care to develop support for Long Covid to find out how things have changed or improved.
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    We caught up with those who decide on what support is available to help people who pay for their social care to find out how experiences people shared with us have shaped support available.
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    Thanks to people affected by sight loss sharing their experiences we have written a report about what it is like to use health and care services and live with sight loss in Wandsworth. Read on to find out more.
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    Read on to find out about what our collaborations with the community have achieved over the past year in our annual report.
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    Read about the experiences people have shared with us about managing their mental health and emotional wellbeing as they become parents.
  36. Report -

    Read about our Enter and View visit to Springfield Village in November 2023 where we spoke to service users, carers, staff and others about the redevelopment.
  37. Report -

    Read about the current state of mental health and homelessness in Wandsworth. We are grateful to the people with lived experience who shared their stories, and to the organisations we spoke with who are supporting people experiencing homelessness.
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    The different levels and layers of mental health support available in our community were the focus of discussions at our public event back in February. If you couldn't attend take a look at what happened.
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    Planned improvements to the design and delivery of key local services was the topic of our Assembly event in December. Find out more about the key changes happening in our report.
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    We held an event in March about new developments to our local health services and a service that could help people who have complaints about NHS services. If you couldn't be there, you can still find out more in our report.
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    We held an event in December to hear more about developments at Nine Elms in Wandsworth and also to tell people what our Enter and View team have found when speaking to local people. For more information about these topics read this report.
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    We discussed priorities for patient and public involvement in the coming year at our Assembly in March 2021. We discussed this in groups and also focused on hospital discharge. Read our report for the key highlights about what people told us.
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    We spoke to people leaving hospital via the 'Departure Lounge' at St Georges Hospital in 2019. Read on to hear about how the organisation has worked on their action plan to address what people told us.
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    We asked people what they thought about new ways to support people at home rather then in hospital. Read what they told us about the possible benefits and their concerns.