1. News -

    Two years ago we spoke to carers about the challenges they face and managing their own health and their feedback helped develop a new cares strategy. We spoke to carers recently to see if support had improved. Find out more about what they said.
  2. Report -

    Healthwatch Wandsworth visited St John’s Hill and Brysson Whyte centres that provide Intermediate Care to people in Wandsworth. Read our report on what people said about their care.
  3. News -

    Wandsworth Council's Co-production and Partnership Group wants local people who use social services, carers and voluntary sectors representatives to work partnership with council staff to help shape the way adult social care services are developed.
  4. News -

    Carers in Wandsworth told us they need more support and now Wandsworth Council are developing a new digital tool. Find out more and how you can shape this new tool.
  5. Report -

    According to The National Autistic Society around 700,000 people in the UK have an Autistic
    Spectrum Condition. Together with their families, this means autism is a part of daily life
    for 2.8 million people.
  6. Report -

    We wanted to start a conversation about health inequalities in Wandsworth. Find out more about what health inequalities are like in Wandsworth.
  7. Advice and Information -

    Do you, or someone you know, need help with day-to-day living because of illness or disability? Read about the new guide that could help you.
  8. News -

    Healthwatch England spoke to more than 5000 people from 27 communities across England about their experiences caring for a friend or loved one.
  9. Report -

    Healthwatch Wandsworth became aware of plans to develop a new strategy for carers; addressing their needs and how more can be done to support them. Find out what local people told us about being a carer in Wandsworth.
  10. Report -

    Healthwatch Wandsworth were invited to visit three senior health wards at St George’s Hospital, Tooting to talk to patients and carers in September 2017.
  11. Report -

    We talked about Health Inequalities at our event in September 2019. Find out what's happening locally and what people said about efforts to tackle Health Inequalities.
  12. Report -

    We went to speak to people who have support from East Wandsworth Community Mental Health Team (CMHT). We've written our report on what people told us, read this report and what the CMHT will be doing differently, based on what people told us.
  13. Report -

    Healthwatch Wandsworth visited sheltered schemes in Wandsworth. This work was done in partnership with the Older Peoples Forum
  14. Report -

    Healthwatch Wandsworth carried our several outreach and engagement sessions to ask service users and carers some of the questions related to the No Rights Ignored, No Voice Unheard Consultation.
  15. News -

    The Wandsworth Health and Care Plan was launched on 7th October as a collaborative plan to tackle key health issues in the borough. Read more about the plans.
  16. Report -

    Read our report on the discussions about the best way to reach different groups with health inequalities, with public health campaigns.
  17. Advice and Information -

    Wandsworth council have updated their guide for unpaid Carers as well as professionals who meet them through their work. Read the guide for lots of information on getting support as a local carer.
  18. News -

    Do you have diabetes or care for someone who does? Find out more about a diabetes group now meeting in Wandsworth.
  19. News -

    Are you passionate about care and support provided to people living with Dementia and their carers in Wandsworth? Find out how you could be involved in interviews for a Dementia Support Service.
  20. News -

    Merton is looking for diabetes community champion volunteers.
  21. News -

    Protect your loved ones and protect the nation, volunteer to help those that are most vulnerable to the effects of coronavirus (COVID-19) stay at home. Join the army of NHS volunteers today.
  22. Advice and Information -

    From 23 March 2020, the Government is contacting around 1.5 million NHS patients by letter, with guidance and information on ‘shielding’. Here's some more information to help you understand what shielding means in practice.
  23. Advice and Information -

    We have heard that the pandemic lockdown has been a difficult time for many carers. Below is some information we hope will be helpful for carers locally. 
  24. Report -

    In July 2020 we worked with SWL CCG (Wandsworth) to develop an independent survey for care home staff. Read our report about how well staff in care homes felt supported to care for their residents and to look after themselves during the pandemic.
  25. Report -

    We worked with the local NHS on a survey on digital and telephone appointments with focused interviews with elderly residents and people with learning disabilities and people with autism. Over 500 people took part. Read what they had to say.
  26. News -

    Healthwatch Wandsworth & Wandsworth Carers Centre Co-hosted a Coffee Morning for Wandsworth Carers (March 2021)
  27. Report -

    Read our annual round-up of what we've been working on and how people in Wandsworth have helped us shape our local health and social care services.
  28. Report -

    Read more about the experiences of people living in Wandsworth about what they feel has worked well or less well for health and social care services during the coronavirus pandemic and how things should develop in the future.
  29. News -

    This mental health month, we would like to shine a spotlight on Carers in Wandsworth, and the work of Wandsworth Carers' centre to support Carers and their mental health.
  30. News -

    Do you care for someone who has been discharged from hospital since May 2021? Talk to Healthwatch Wandsworth and together we can help shape how discharges from hospital work locally and nationally.
  31. News -

    Wandsworth Carers’ Centre have developed a LGBTQ+ Carer Toolkit
  32. News -

    Carers UK estimates there to be at least 390,000 LGBTQ+ Carers in the UK. 1 in 10 people within the LGBTQ+ community are an unpaid Carer.
  33. News -

    Help raise awareness of Dementia and find out what support is available for people in Wandsworth.
  34. Report -

    Thanks to people who spoke to us about caring for someone who was discharged from hospital, we have influenced a wide number of developments in support for carers and people discharged from hospital.
  35. Report -

    Thanks to people sharing their experiences of managing dementia during the pandemic we have a rich picture, rather than data alone, to challenge assumptions and identify issues for the NHS and social care services to improve.
  36. Report -

    Read about where we will focus our work in 2022-3.
  37. Report -

    Read more in our annual report that showcases our work with local people to shape our local health and social care services.
  38. Report -

    We brought people with sight loss together to learn about digital technology and local organisations that can support people to find technology that can benefit their daily lives. Read more about what we discussed and some recommendations.
  39. Report -

    Healthwatch Wandsworth was invited by Wandsworth Cares’ Centre to talk with the Adult with Learning Difficulties peer support group about the impact of the cost-of-living on their ability to access health and social care services.
  40. News -

    Have you received or supported someone though chemotherapy treatment?
  41. Report -

    Read on to find out about what our collaborations with the community have achieved over the past year in our annual report.
  42. Report -

    Thanks to people who spoke to us about caring for someone who was discharged from hospital, we have influenced a wide number of developments in support for carers and people discharged from hospital.
  43. Report -

    We asked people what they thought about new ways to support people at home rather then in hospital. Read what they told us about the possible benefits and their concerns.
  44. Report -

    We are grateful to the carers supporting their friends and family in Wandsworth who attended our December 2023 event focused on improving arrangements for leaving hospital.
  45. News -

    We all care for someone, but the word ‘carer’ is defined under the Care Act as anyone who, without payment, looks after a person who cannot cope without their support. Carers might care for someone who needs help because of their illness, frailty, disability, a mental health problem or an addiction. The person a carer looks after doesn’t have to be a family member or partner; they could be a friend or neighbour.
  46. Report -

    What is it like being a carer in Wandsworth? We launched a survey to find out.
  47. News -

    The Voluntary Sector Forum helps to connect local people, voluntary sector organisations and community services in such a way that all benefit from the services Wandsworth has to offer.
  48. Report -

    Each year we take a retrospective look back at our achievements throughout the last twelve months and try and pull them all together in our Annual Report.