1. News -

    This discussion document sets out the proposed priorities for the South West London Integrated Care System.
  2. News -

    Patients will be empowered to choose where they receive their NHS care under new plans to cut waiting lists, one of the Prime Minister’s 5 priorities. People will be given more choice and control over their own care, including through the NHS App.
  3. News -

    How healthy is my local area? The NHS for South-West London have been working to find out ‘What is the unique position of our area?’ and address challenges to public health.
  4. News -

    NHS England is asking people for their views on moving the children’s cancer treatment centre that serves South London and much of the South East region.
  5. News -

    Healthwatch Sutton, together with the other Healthwatch organisations in South West London (Healthwatch Croydon, Merton, Kingston, Richmond, Wandsworth), are currently working with patients, carers, and GP practices on a project about the Accessible Information Standard.
  6. Blog -

    We are tracking how the Adult Mental Health Care Transformation could make a difference to patients. Find out more below.
  7. Report -

    Our public event in May was all about improvements to local services and how these changes are reflected in documents such as the local Health & Care Plan. Read on to find out more if you couldn't attend.
  8. Advice and Information -

    Find out what support is available to help you travel to your hospital appointments.
  9. Report -

    In May 2018, we held one of our quarterly events which members of the public attended to discuss health inequalities in Wandsworth. Read about what people said in our report.
  10. Report -

    Wandsworth Council and Enable Leisure and Sport wanted to update their Active Wandsworth
    Strategy, which supports and encourages people to keep physically and mentally healthy through
    physical activity.
  11. Report -

    Evidence shows that mental health problems are significantly higher within prisons than in the
    general population. Read our report on how this problem can be addressed.
  12. Report -

    According to The National Autistic Society around 700,000 people in the UK have an Autistic
    Spectrum Condition. Together with their families, this means autism is a part of daily life
    for 2.8 million people.
  13. Report -

    Healthwatch Wandsworth decided to visit Wandsworth prison to find out more about the quality of services, particularly for more disadvantaged groups such as older prisoners or those with mental health problems. Read our report on our findings.
  14. Advice and Information -

    Ever wondered how to navigate the world of mental health services, or how to find exactly what you're looking for?
  15. Advice and Information -

    We are looking at ways that charities can raise awareness about the misconceptions about HIV for deaf people. Find out more about Signhealth's latest work on the topic.
  16. Report -

    We wanted to start a conversation about health inequalities in Wandsworth. Find out more about what health inequalities are like in Wandsworth.
  17. Report -

    At our Assembly in May we covered a variety of mental health topics including local services available. The information presented on the day is available in our report.
  18. Advice and Information -

    Do you want to work towards creating happier and healthier lives for all Londoners? Read about how Thrive London will help us achieve this.
  19. Advice and Information -

    Do you or someone you know struggle to get a seat on public transport when needed? Read on to find out about a new badge and card that you might find helpful.
  20. Advice and Information -

    LGBT+ people are more likely to experience mental ill health than the wider population.
  21. Report -

    Young people who need support from mental health services can find their care interrupted as they make the transition from child and adolescent services (CAMHS) to adult services (AMHS). See what people told us about the transition in our report.
  22. Report -

    Research suggests that 1 in 3 individuals with a disability will experience a mental health problem within their lifetime compared to 1 in 4 of the wider population. Find out what local people told us about the issues involved.
  23. Report -

    Research indicates that members of the LGBT+ community have higher instances of mental health problems than the rest of the population. We heard from the local LGBT+ community about their experiences and mental health.
  24. Report -

    Healthwatch Wandsworth became aware of plans to develop a new strategy for carers; addressing their needs and how more can be done to support them. Find out what local people told us about being a carer in Wandsworth.
  25. News -

    Read more about a new and exciting opportunity for local people who have experience of using cancer services and have accessed psychological support during or after treatment.
  26. Report -

    Healthwatch Wandsworth were invited to visit three senior health wards at St George’s Hospital, Tooting to talk to patients and carers in September 2017.
  27. Report -

    We ran a campaign #ItStartsWithYou, highlighting the importance of the feedback that we received from each and every one of you about local health and social care services. As part of the campaign we analysed what people had told us in 2016-7.
  28. Advice and Information -

    People living in Wandsworth can now watch a video which details ways in which they can access sexual health services and learn more about HIV testing.
  29. Report -

    We talked about Health Inequalities at our event in September 2019. Find out what's happening locally and what people said about efforts to tackle Health Inequalities.
  30. Advice and Information -

    Are you a young person who is leaving care who has mental health needs or do you know someone who could benefit from additional support. Read more about the service available in Wandsworth.
  31. Report -

    Recently FGM has been highlighted as a significant problem in the UK and there is now a mandatory duty to report FGM to try to protect those at risk.
  32. Report -

    Healthwatch Wandsworth had the opportunity to encourage young people to complete a questionnaire at a conference organised by the Wandsworth Youth Council called “Youth Momentum 2”.
  33. Report -

    Healthwatch Wandsworth carried our several outreach and engagement sessions to ask service users and carers some of the questions related to the No Rights Ignored, No Voice Unheard Consultation.
  34. News -

    Read about a new NHS initiative which asks "What is Mental Health?"
  35. News -

    Sometimes we say we're fine when we're not. Read about how the time to change campaign is looking to create more positive perspectives on mental heath.
  36. News -

    What Does a Crisis Look Like? Find out about SHOUT for support in a crisis.
  37. Report -

    Read our report on the discussions about the best way to reach different groups with health inequalities, with public health campaigns.
  38. Report -

    Our local Healthwatch undertakes 'Enter and View' visits to health and social care services to make recommendations where there are areas for improvement. Read our review of the future direction of the Enter and View programme in Wandsworth.
  39. Report -

    We visited Wood House Care Home to find out how care is being given to older people. The report is based on what people said and observations during the visit.
  40. Report -

    Healthwatch Wandsworth were invited to visit Lyle House residential home for older people. Our report is based on what people told us and what we saw during our visit.
  41. News -

    “Building Foundations – Changing Lives”

    This draft strategy sets out the priorities for improving outcomes for people with a learning disability in Wandsworth over the next five years and beyond.