1. News -

    Are you passionate about care and support provided to people living with Dementia and their carers in Wandsworth? Find out how you could be involved in interviews for a Dementia Support Service.
  2. Report -

    In July 2020 we worked with SWL CCG (Wandsworth) to develop an independent survey for care home staff. Read our report about how well staff in care homes felt supported to care for their residents and to look after themselves during the pandemic.
  3. News -

    Help raise awareness of Dementia and find out what support is available for people in Wandsworth.
  4. Report -

    Thanks to people sharing their experiences of managing dementia during the pandemic we have a rich picture, rather than data alone, to challenge assumptions and identify issues for the NHS and social care services to improve.
  5. Report -

    Read about where we will focus our work in 2022-3.
  6. Report -

    Read more in our annual report that showcases our work with local people to shape our local health and social care services.
  7. News -

    World Alzheimer's Month is a global opportunity to raise awareness, educate and demystify dementia. The theme for World Alzheimer's Month in September 2022 is "Know dementia, know Alzheimer's", with a special focus on post-diagnosis support.
  8. Report -

    We went to speak to people at the Gwyneth Morgan Day Centre. Read our report about what people told us and what the service have said about it.
  9. Advice and Information -

    Health issues unfortunately don't leave us alone at the weekend and people are often in need of medical assistance out of hours. Using NHS guidelines, we have provided some advice and information on where you can go for help when your GP is closed.
  10. Advice and Information -

    Find out what support is available to help you travel to your hospital appointments.
  11. Report -

    The health and development of children and young people can have far reaching consequences later on, both physically and mentally. Find out about the priorities of local people we spoke to about this issue.
  12. Report -

    We spoke to people about managing their eye health. Read our report to hear people's experiences about what it's like to live in London with poor vision.
  13. News -

    Wandsworth Council's Co-production and Partnership Group wants local people who use social services, carers and voluntary sectors representatives to work partnership with council staff to help shape the way adult social care services are developed.
  14. Report -

    At our events we often hear that communication with healthcare professionals could be better.
    In September 2018, local people discussed how professionals could better
    listen to our feedback and involve us in decisions.
  15. Report -

    Wandsworth Council and Enable Leisure and Sport wanted to update their Active Wandsworth
    Strategy, which supports and encourages people to keep physically and mentally healthy through
    physical activity.
  16. Report -

    Evidence shows that mental health problems are significantly higher within prisons than in the
    general population. Read our report on how this problem can be addressed.
  17. News -

    If you are a Dermatology patient at St Georges Hospital and want to have your say about the service you receive. Join the Dermatology Patient Panel.
  18. News -

    A mortality review of patients who underwent cardiac surgery at St George’s Hospital is being carried out. Read the update on the review.
  19. Advice and Information -

    Good news - If you are registered with a GP in Wandsworth you can now book an appointment between the hours of 8am and 8pm.
  20. Advice and Information -

    In March 2018 NHS England issued guidance that over the counter medicines for minor health conditions will no longer be routinely prescribed by a GP or other primary care service.
  21. News -

    You can contribute to the improvement of local NHS cancer services in Wandsworth. Find out how
  22. Advice and Information -

    'Bed Sores’, ‘Pressure Ulcers’, ‘Pressure Sores’. They have many names, but talking about them is hard and rarely done.
  23. Report -

    According to The National Autistic Society around 700,000 people in the UK have an Autistic
    Spectrum Condition. Together with their families, this means autism is a part of daily life
    for 2.8 million people.
  24. Report -

    A visit was organised to Mary Seacole
    Ward at Queen Mary’s Hospital, Roehampton, which provides an Inpatient Elderly
    Rehabilitation Service.
  25. Report -

    Intermediate Care (IC) is intended to be a range of integrated services that promote faster recovery from illness; prevent unnecessary acute hospital admissions and premature admissions to long-term care and support timely discharge from hospital.
  26. News -

    Matt Hancock, the Minister for Health and Social Care, has announced the government's plans to address the nation's health concerns.
  27. Advice and Information -

    Do you need help choosing the right care home?
  28. Advice and Information -

    We are looking at ways that charities can raise awareness about the misconceptions about HIV for deaf people. Find out more about Signhealth's latest work on the topic.
  29. Advice and Information -

    A new sexual health clinic, offering confidential and fully-integrated sexual health and contraception services opened at Falcon Rd in Clapham Junction on 19 November 2018.

    Find out more about the clinic times at the new location.
  30. Advice and Information -

    Your health and adult social care information is important to the NHS as it helps them research, plan and improve health and care services in England.
  31. Report -

    At our event in September 2018 we discussed communication with healthcare professionals and about what is important when we want to give feedback or raise a complaint. If you couldn't attend you can find out more in our report below.
  32. Advice and Information -

    Do you, or someone you know, need help with day-to-day living because of illness or disability? Read about the new guide that could help you.
  33. News -

    Healthwatch England spoke to more than 5000 people from 27 communities across England about their experiences caring for a friend or loved one.
  34. Report -

    Find out what we have been doing in our second year at Healthwatch Wandsworth by reading our Annual Report for 2014-15.
  35. Advice and Information -

    Getting It On is a sexual and mental health resource for young people in South West London, that can help them gain the essential life skills and knowledge they might need relating to their health and wellbeing.
  36. Advice and Information -

    More than 6,500 cases of TB were reported across England in 2014, and of these over 2,500 occurred in London. Read about new guidelines to help tackle the problem.
  37. Report -

    In March 2017 we distributed our annual survey to our members, local residents and organisations, to find out how they view Healthwatch and our role.
  38. Report -

    At our event in June we heard about plans for improving outpatients at St George's Hospital and how Wandsworth Council have a standard to make sure their information is accessible for people. Read more about it in our report.
  39. News -

    If you need medical help and advice you can now choose a new online method to seek appropriate treatment. Find out more about how you can use this new service.
  40. News -

    From October this year, the new NHS Community Pharmacist Consultation Service will offer local pharmacy appointments to anyone calling NHS 111 about minor conditions such as earache or a sore throat..
  41. Report -

    The Government launched a consultation on the NHS' plans to change how it uses patient data. Find out what people told us about the topic.
  42. Report -

    Healthwatch Wandsworth became aware of plans to develop a new strategy for carers; addressing their needs and how more can be done to support them. Find out what local people told us about being a carer in Wandsworth.
  43. Report -

    The General Pharmaceutical Council (GPhC) developed nine standards for Pharmacists to ensure that patients receive safe and effective care and can maintain and improve their health and wellbeing. Read about experiences local people shared with us.
  44. News -

    You can contribute to improving your local NHS services for outpatients in Wandsworth. Find out how.

  45. News -

    Read more about a new and exciting opportunity for local people who have experience of using cancer services and have accessed psychological support during or after treatment.
  46. Report -

    Members of Healthwatch Wandsworth’s ‘Enter & View’ team made three visits to Champneys Ward and Dialysis service at St George’s Hospital to learn about the renal services that were being provided in February/March 2017.
  47. Report -

    We ran a campaign #ItStartsWithYou, highlighting the importance of the feedback that we received from each and every one of you about local health and social care services. As part of the campaign we analysed what people had told us in 2016-7.
  48. Report -

    We spoke to local families about their experiences of Health Visiting services. We asked them if they understood the role of the Health Visitor (HV) and the kind of service they should expect from them. Find out what they said.
  49. Advice and Information -

    People living in Wandsworth can now watch a video which details ways in which they can access sexual health services and learn more about HIV testing.