1. Report -

    Healthwatch Wandsworth were invited to visit Arabella Drive Residential Care Home for adults with learning disabilities to explore the individual quality of care. Our report is based upon what people told us and what we saw during our visit.
  2. Report -

    Healthwatch Wandsworth were invited to visit Anvil Close Residential Care Home for adults with learning disabilities to explore the individual quality of care. Our report is based on what people told us and what we saw during our visit.
  3. Report -

    We held an event in March about new developments to our local health services and a service that could help people who have complaints about NHS services. If you couldn't be there, you can still find out more in our report.
  4. Report -

    Recently FGM has been highlighted as a significant problem in the UK and there is now a mandatory duty to report FGM to try to protect those at risk.
  5. Report -

    Healthwatch Wandsworth visited sheltered schemes in Wandsworth. This work was done in partnership with the Older Peoples Forum
  6. Report -

    Healthwatch Wandsworth carried our several outreach and engagement sessions to ask service users and carers some of the questions related to the No Rights Ignored, No Voice Unheard Consultation.
  7. Report -

    Find out what we have been doing in our second year at Healthwatch Wandsworth by reading our Annual Report for 2014-15.
  8. Report -

    Healthwatch Wandsworth were invited to visit Harding House and Huguenot Place to understand resident’s views on the quality of care they were receiving. Our report is based on what people told us and what we saw during our visit.
  9. Report -

    We had been made aware of local concerns around healthy eating and young people, and in particular about Wandsworth Council’s intention to close 3 chicken shops. We therefore decided to create a volunteering project.
  10. Report -

    Healthwatch Wandsworth had the opportunity to encourage young people to complete a questionnaire at a conference organised by the Wandsworth Youth Council called “Youth Momentum 2”.
  11. Report -

    We held an event in December to hear more about developments at Nine Elms in Wandsworth and also to tell people what our Enter and View team have found when speaking to local people. For more information about these topics read this report.
  12. Report -

    We spoke to local families about their experiences of Health Visiting services. We asked them if they understood the role of the Health Visitor (HV) and the kind of service they should expect from them. Find out what they said.
  13. Report -

    Healthwatch Wandsworth were invited to visit three senior health wards at St George’s Hospital, Tooting to talk to patients and carers in September 2017.
  14. Report -

    We focused on young people's mental health at our Assembly in May. We heard about local services and discussed new plans to improve support. Read more about it if you were not able to attend.
  15. Report -

    The government has begun a consultation on its plans to improve mental health support for children and young people.
  16. Report -

    GP appointments in the UK are the shortest in Europe, so we tried to find out how people can maximise the benefit of time spent with their GP. Read more about what local people told us.
  17. Report -

    The health and development of children and young people can have far reaching consequences later on, both physically and mentally. Find out about the priorities of local people we spoke to about this issue.
  18. Report -

    We wanted to start a conversation about health inequalities in Wandsworth. Find out more about what health inequalities are like in Wandsworth.
  19. Report -

    In May 2018, we held one of our quarterly events which members of the public attended to discuss health inequalities in Wandsworth. Read about what people said in our report.
  20. Report -

    Many people want to know where to go when they need urgent health advice, treatment and care at any time of the day or night. Find out about how our report highlights some important consideration for people designing the urgent care system.
  21. Report -

    Each year we publish an annual report so that you know what your local health and care champion have been doing and what we are planning for the next year. Hear about our fifth year in our annual report.
  22. Report -

    Intermediate Care (IC) is intended to be a range of integrated services that promote faster recovery from illness; prevent unnecessary acute hospital admissions and premature admissions to long-term care and support timely discharge from hospital.
  23. Report -

    At our events we often hear that communication with healthcare professionals could be better.
    In September 2018, local people discussed how professionals could better
    listen to our feedback and involve us in decisions.
  24. Report -

    Healthwatch Wandsworth decided to visit Wandsworth prison to find out more about the quality of services, particularly for more disadvantaged groups such as older prisoners or those with mental health problems. Read our report on our findings.
  25. Report -

    At our event in September 2018 we discussed communication with healthcare professionals and about what is important when we want to give feedback or raise a complaint. If you couldn't attend you can find out more in our report below.